WHAT-UP, my GHG geek-elite! Time for another entertainment cyber-sermon from the pulpit, straight out of The Fortress Of Pimpitude of yours’ truly, and into the cyber-chapel that is GodHatesGeeks!
Now, in the immortal words of the late/great Marvin Gaye, “LET’S GET IT ON!!!”
(Thought of invoking his song, Sexual Healing, but whatever!)
*This week came word that stage actor, Ray Fisher (who starred as legendary boxing champion, Muhammad Ali in the play, Fetch Clay, Make Man), will play the role of Victor “Vic” Stone, a.k.a. CYBORG in the May 6th, 2016 Man Of Steel follow-up, Batman Vs. Superman (tentative title).

Previously the rumor mill stated that director, Zack Snyder had talked to Fruitvale Station star, Michael B. Jordan about a mysterious small role in the upcoming Warner Bros./DC Entertainment sequel that many figured could have been the role of Stone. The role is said to be small enough and not a major role in B Vs. S, but would become a more significant role as follow-up WB/DC Ent. films progress toward the inevitable Justice League live-action movie.
Seems as though the eventual Justice League film MAY very well pattern itself, in some way, after the current DC Comics/New 52 team roster featured in the current Justice League title originated by comic scribe Geoff Johns and comic artist extraordinaire, Jim Lee.
The initial comic book storyline in question featured not only Stone/Cyborg and his origin, but also his father, who was a character who held a highly ranked position at S.T.A.R. Labs (a scientific research organization in the DC Comics universe, a facility that actor Richard Schiff’s Man Of Steel character, Dr. Emil Hamilton worked at in the summer 2013 feature film).
That comic book storyline (Justice League #1-#6, New 52 continuity) was also the basis for the recent Warner Bros./DC Ent. animated home video, Justice League: War.
Aside: Fisher was also recently said to have been looked at for an undisclosed role in director J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: Episode VII.
- Former Game Of Thrones co-star, Jason Momoa has been REPEATEDLY RUMORED for a role in B Vs. S, and the actor has denied the claims at every turn. Now that same rumor is bubbling-up yet again. Similar to those previous rumors, the roles of Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Lobo, and others are all being bandied about by the fan populace. Should this latest rumor pan out, I’m sure the Mother Of Dragons would be proud (Game Of Thrones reference there, for those uninitiated with the hit HBO series).
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