In the E3 before the “rise of the super next-gen platforms” (a.k.a. Xbox 720 and PS4), Sister @EmmaFyffe & the Reverend @TravMoody were surprisingly fascinated by what they saw — particularly by the antics of our friend, Minister Pacheco Macho:

If the dishes keep piling up, or you lost another World Cup Qualifying bet to your stepbrother.. again — and have to fold his nasty ass “bed towels” — there isn’t a better time to hear all about the game’s that shocked us, hated us, celebs that followed us, and ministers that stalked us. And, we went to a couple of cool parties, too (thanks Machinima, Paris Hilton…).
[audio:]Enjoy! And let us know what games impressed you.
Good one, Keep up the good work 🙂
You guys are funny – do more!