There are so many times when a TV show comes out and the problem is that you can’t figure out what the creators are trying to sell you. Is it a comedy, drama, superhero, police procedural or whathaveyou? Preacher does not have that problem. Within the first 5-minutes of Season 2 we have a high-speed police car chase with our gang of three leads singing to the tune of Dexys Midnight Runners’ famed hit, “Come On Eileen”. With the authority of the law on their tail, our Good Friends quickly weave along the highway — complete with bright smiles like it’s a god damn road trip to Disneyland.
And then there’s the next five minutes.
Only this show could find a way to have several comedic moments in the middle of a high powered fire-fight where heads are being blown off and body parts are littering the asphalt. It’s not scary nor ridiculous. It’s just the style that the writers have found to find that well mixed blend of action and drama.
Season 2’s premiere picks up right after our three musketeers of Jesse “Preacher” Custer (Dominic Cooper), Tulip (Ruth Negga), and Cassidy (Joseph Gilgun) have fortuitously left their former town of Annville, last seen incinerated in a methane explosion at the end of Season 1. They are all oblivious to what happened to their previous residence because their focus is on their overall mission to Find God who we discovered last season is missing. Jesse suggests visiting a family friend named Mike (24’s Glenn Morshower), an also preacher, to try to gain any information they can. Unfortunately, they are continually on the run with the Saint of Killers (Graham McTavish) now in their dimension on a T-1000 manhunt to destroy the Genesis which Jesse possess.

With the strange beginning of the first season that had almost nothing to do with the bloody good Garth Ennis/Steve Dillon comics, Preacher producers have promised more pulling from the source material this time around. That said–with as much as I was a fan of the first season–your “Divine” one was even more pleased with the first two ep of this season. The drive of the Saint of Killers pushes the pace and story in a frantic way that was missing from the stagnant town setting of Season 1. The open road allows the show to, well, open up to a wider variety of hijinks, quirky characters, and unpredictable adventures.
Better now, our leads are a dysfunctional trio stuck together on a mission. Relationships are bound to get more interesting, such as Cassidy’s ongoing crush on Tulip; in turn, Tulip also passes judgement on Jesse when he can use the Genesis power on people to manipulate them as their expense. It’s clear now that the last year gave the creators enough freedom to give us as much characterization as they could so that they could fully focus on the story for Season 2 and beyond. If this is any indication, call me ready to take a seat in Tulip’s ride wherever the hell they’re going!

The second episode of Preacher’s Season 2 airs Monday night on AMC.