Exclusive review! Exclusive review! Oh, who are we kidding… We’re as late to the party as parents shacked up in the Bahamas during prom season.
But that’s OK: Prometheus, Ridley Scott’s third entry into the world of sci-fi (a perhaps not-so-quite ironic 30-years later), gives us all something to geek about. A lot to debate. There are even conspiracy theorists on YouTube (YouTube!) debating the origin of man, essentially willing to — as I quote one of the scientists in the film — “throw out three centuries of Darwinism.”
And seeing how it’s been over 2 weeks since Prometheus’ opening-day release (thank you 20th Century Fox for the press screening! Yeah, right!), we’ll tackle more of the philosophical debate — hence more questions than answers — and leave much of the film technicalities and character development stuff alone. Because, if you either saw the movie already or at least its trailer, you know it’s downright gorgeous, and, whether you witnessed or not, we’re also sure you’ve heard whispers about Prom‘s silly scientist situations. However, that cheese is also what makes a solid 2012 film a solid 1980s one. It is the prequel to Alien, after all.
As for questionable character choices, none will raise a bigger stink than why David, the ship’s resident robot, played brilliantly by Michael Fassbender, (with First Class‘s Magneto reflecting — and quoting — Peter O’Toole from Lawrence of Arabia) roofied Doctor Holloway’s vodka tonic. Is it unethical programming on the part of David, permission from Guy Pierce’s wrinkly-dying creep Weyland to “experiment” (remember Weyland Yutani Corp from Alien? Ahh..), or merely poolroom payback for Holloway agreeing to doing “anything and everything” to reach the answers he had been looking for?
Perhaps all three.

Either way, the same shit David uses for poison – the eerily black gooey substance – that boils out of the cave’s upside bowling pin thingamajigs, is actually the underlining to the heavy theory circulating the ship’s cabin. Since these toxins gave a wide range of varying results with each action (worms, sip, swallow), such as ironic dweeb Millburn’s return facemelt-terror of the ship, what was “the black” supposed to do once head to the Promised Land? Whether it was intended to fix us, or really fix us, Doctor Shaw (the original Girl With The Dragon Tatoo‘s Noomi Rapace) apparently isnn’t leaving until she finds out — and goes through more Xenomorph abortions to get there.
Sorry Ripley, you ain’t the first.
According to Scott (Ridley Scott), that premise of Shaw’s continued DNA exploration of the “Engineers” could very well lineup a sequel. Since the film’s ending – and some may have claimed it “tacked on,” but it was oh-so-very cool (!!) – closes the chapter on the more imminent of Scott’s film enterprises, Prometheus can finally move beyond the Alien shadow and start a new one.
And it’ll be all about Engineers. So while the term “God” was thrown around very early in the film to describe this not-so-demonstrative demonic folk, it’s certain by the film’s end that they play more the role of God’s disappointing angels. The Highest went and made these creatures nearly flawless in both mind and physical form, and yet their anger and change of heart – creating humans then wanting to kill them! – is what eventually led to their not-so-appetizing end. Thus, we live with more questions than answers.
Unfortunately for those who love everything wrapped up nicely with a little cute red bow, Prometheus serves no more than a debate about the vicious fucking life cycle. But in this case: God creates these Engineers; Engineers create humans (hence why the killer patted David on the head. Nice robot, nice robot); humans — within their hellbound search — create the Aliens that can destroy God’s Engineers. But are there more Engineers than those that perished on the film’s final sequence? Why did the Engineers “invite” the explorers to their homeworld through use of the ancient ruins? What caused the Engineers to change their mind about humanity, thus wanting to kill them, anyway?
Why oh why oh why!?!
Although Shaw, and some few unlucky cohorts, of course, may find most of those answers in a few in P2, I think I’ll take Captain Janek’s blind faith approach on this one. Then again, homeboy won’t be in the sequel now, will he……

I’m not so sure if leaping AWAY from the Alien recipe will be good for its sequel…especially the way it ended. It’s just a shame Ridley wasn’t making the original Alien now, with all the technology we have at our fingertips. A remake, per se, would be a bad idea though.
Appears like you commented on most of the film’s many motifs, but I could completely understand the frustration by either newbies or Alien vets. I still enjoyed the movie for what it was, and Ridley could definitely do worse than a sequel with Prometheus.
very nice post. I liked most of the alien movies so I will see this. good stuf!
The film seems to be doing fairly well, I hope it’s successful enough for that sequel!
really a nice article on this film, I like Alien and Aliens so I hope to see it soon!
Moody, you’re pretty hot.
Wow, that was phenomenal.I’m a huge fan of TED; I watch at least one video a day for iriainptson.I was semi interested in Promotheus before, but now? I’m downright excited.Thanks for sharing.
By far the most anticipated movie of the yea!! But one thing bugs me the year 2023 is too close. I’m spsuoped to believe that 11 years from now we’ll have androids and deep-space giant spaceships? Aliens is set in 2179 and Alien is set 57 years before, therefore the Nostromo arrived at LV-426 in 2122. 2122 is far enough in the future so it’s believable but there is a gap of 99 years between this viral clip and what happens at Alien.
Scott and FOX have said that this is not a “true” prequel to the old Alien films. The rsaoen for doing this is due to the Alien vs. Predator franchise messing up all the mythology. FOX wants a clean start, so dates aren’t that important, but I know what you mean. Can’t wait to see this