- Wilcox, on the series genre and plot: “The show is not driven by cases; it’s driven by Sean’s character and this quest that he’s on to answer this question which is raised in the pilot. The more he digs into this mystery, the more he gets trapped where he has difficulty telling his ‘legends’ from his life. And the ripple effects of what that does to his job and his family and the potential repercussions it has on the entire unit. ‘Who am I? What happened to me?’ are question(s) that in some respect will be answered, but even with those answers larger questions are raised.” Yes, I have questions but apparently another showrunner that doesn’t want to give too much away. Oh, nevermind: “These agents go undercover and go so deep, that they immerse themselves in an identity in a world and all the things that come with that, including some of the moral choices that they have to make in conducting their investigation. Inevitably, they are pushed into positions where they have to do some distasteful things.”

- Chestnut — who’s been spending a little of his time pushing to play the Avengers’ Black Panther — on his detective: “After investigating a murder, I realize that Martin Odom has some type of connection. In my pursuits, I’m trying to figure out whether this is part of a much larger cover up that the whole department is involved in.” Sounds much easier playing the King of Wakanda.
- Bean, on playing three characters in one day: “It was [actually] OK, because you have time to readjust in between with hair, makeup and wardrobe. But when you change characters within a scene is the tricky part.” Larter would then add, “These Legends have been created, [giving us] a chance to explore those different motivations, feelings, passions. That’s going to be fun for the audience to watch because you never know who you’re going to get. What’s the toll that’s going between these Legends taking?” Man, is it just me, or does this girl really want to see these characters break down and lose their shit…
Legends premieres on TNT Aug. 13 at 9/8c.