It’s one billion dollar playboy vs. another. It’s Stark vs Wayne!

CIVIL WAR II (Friday) – The battle for the summer comic book event continues. The Big 2 have been firing off multiple rounds at SDCC 2016, giving us a better picture of what we can expect from Marvel and DC in the next few months. The massive, overall spotlight of the Civil War II panel on Friday was Marvel’s commitment to bringing you heroes that reflected closely the world around you and a reality that you can relate to. Matthew Rosenberg got into it with his Kingpin mini-series first — adamant that he wants to highlight Kingpin not as a villain of pure evil, but more like a businessman and opportunist who just, “wants to make New York great again.”
(Cont.) Yeah, Berners, he meant it like that. The Trump allegory was probably the most lighthearted part of the panel; but every book came with a very notably “real world” theme. G. Willow Wilson talked about Ms. Marvel’s relationship to both Tony and Carol as having “divorced parents fighting over a kid.” Marvel editor Axel Alonso talked about how Civil War: The Fallen, a spin-off book, is going to be about dealing with the aftermath of ***[SPOILERS if you’re not caught up with Civil War II]*** Bruce Banner’s death. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more real. Civil War II: The Accused is going to be centered around the trial of Hawkeye, for murdering Banner, featuring Daredevil. We’re assured there will still be punching. 3.5/5 Bibles.
DC REBIRTH: BATMAN (Friday) – Where Marvel went to look out at the world around us, DC decided to look back, and into a world they created – and we loved. DC’s Batman: Rebirth panel on Saturday was no exception. Scott Snyder kicked things off having just “passed the torch” to Tom King with Batman: Rebirth #1. Snyder was excited to work on All-Star Batman since Detective Comics, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, and Batman were “all in good hands” according to Snyder, who then just went into most of the story of All-Star Batman #1. The best image? Batman wielding a chainsaw in a cornfield, scaring off Firefly among many other villains. Surprisingly, Detective Comics was able to top all of that. James Tynion spoke about the transition back into the original numbering and how excited he was to be adding to that “tremendous legacy”. He then went on to talk about how one of his first arcs will include all of the “Gotham characters that I love in one book, fighting as a unit.” Going into how much he loves Batman, that could truly mean all of them.
(Cont.) As the panel went on, it truly seemed like Snyder was right. Shawna and Julie Benson, the new writers of Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, spoke enthusiastically about bringing Babs — complete with Killing Joke continuity — back into the fold while writing on the show The 100. Then the panel closed out with Batman: Night of the Monster Men, a Batman crossover that King is doing with Midnighter’s Steve Orlando. King helped tee of the story in Batman #1, and now, along with a nude Hugo Stranger, the Dark Knight will be doing battle with GIANT MONSTERS IN GOTHAM CITY. The image that they used to sell the book to DC editor Mark Doyle was the image that seem to sell the audience: a silhouette of Batman on the rooftop of Gotham City, by a Strange-bred kaiju. Comic book fans may have lost a Hulk with, but now we’re getting even bigger things thanks to DC. 4/5 Bibles.