MARVEL GAMES (Thursday – 6BCF) – Thankfully had a decent Plan B when yours truly, the Ringside Apostle himself, didn’t het into WWE. Yeah–whoever thought of loading WWE Superstars Sasha Banks, Bayley, Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Nikki Bella into the tiny room 5AB… deserves more than a Tombstone Piledriver. Dumb. Anyway, I thus walked into Marvel Games hoping to see something cool — and I did.
I’m more impressed with Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite after having now played Vs. Mode on Preview Night (to no lines, funny/scary for a COMIC Con), getting to know more of the fighters traits (Thanos and Stryder make a hella dangerous squad), and watching today’s reveal trailer of Final Fight‘s Mike Haggar, Dead Rising‘s Frank West, Resident Evil‘s Nemesis and Spider-Man — who now has a new move where he chucks pumpkinbombs at him because he turns heel a.k.a. dodges them and smartly throws them back. Gamora was also revealed with the Mind Stone, although it’s strange to see her packing twin pistols.
Having waited for the WWE Mattel panel to utter failure at the same 1pm spot, I missed the Powers United VR portion of the panel. Revealed last weekend at D23, Marvel’s PUVR will be a 4-player co-op virtual reality featuring Captain Marvel (feel like a woman), Rocket (feel the gun on your back), Hulk (feel.. err.. massive) and — now — Deadpool (feel like a jack-ass/assin, complete with potty plunger). Sanzaru/Oculus also made sure virtual-heroes will be transported via Lockjaw, with various bosses and factions to confront.
Things weren’t so excited the rest of the way. Another LEGO Marvel Heroes game, to very light applause that moderator Greg Miller kept clowning about (although Carnom — THINK, for a moment — looks cool), out in Novemver, and another episode of Telltales’ GotG game for August (that Nebula tho!). More mobile games, and very little about the game everyone wanted to know more about: Isomniac’s Spider-Man. The developer’s Bryan Inithar did admit the company sorta blew their waad at E3 with a 9-minute trailer, so nerds should probably be happy we learned about the machinations of Mr. Negative. 3/5 Bibles.