“Father” Haynze Whitmore
TWIN PEAKS (Hall H – Friday) – A Twin Peaks panel at Comic-Con? Awesome. It was nice to see all of the fans line up to get a glimpse of something new from a show often misunderstood by some viewers…
Sadly the great David Lynch wasn’t in the Hall H flesh–and was, rather, presented in a mere, bizarre video. At least some of the cast told the audience about where they were when Lynch gave them a buzz. Everett McGill (Hank) almost didn’t answer his phone, as he was checking on one of his classic cars in his old house and Lynch happened to call just at the right time.
The downfall of almost any TV or film panel at Comic-Com made this one an especially uneventful one: the cast had a hard time answering any questions concerning the new season. Everything in Hollywood is always so hush-hush as not to spoil what’s to come next. But isn’t that sorta why we’re here? Actor Tim Roth (Reservoir Dogs) admits to not having watched the past seasons or the Fire Walk With Me film (we still love you, Tim), but says he’ll wait until Season 3 runs its course to plan a Twin Peaks marathon with his kids.
As a huge HUGE fanboy of the Twin Peaks lore, I walked into the hallowed halls of.. Hall H assuming more info–or at least some subtle hints–of what’s to happen next; hell, I even had my TP T on. But nope; the panel didn’t quite deliver, this side of seeing some of the cult show’s many actors and hearing their past experiences with Lynch — though nothing the hardcores don’t already know.
But let’s give the cast the benefit of the doubt; Lynch keeps them in the dark just as much as his audience. 3/5 Bibles.
-Haynze Whitmore