If a website named GodHatesGeeks is offering their best Valentine’s Day wishes, then you got to know there’s something screwey going on. And that’s exactly the type of twisted fairytales we received in this week’s edition of Fistful of Comics. If you like your romance all Harley Quinned-the-$%*& up, then you’ll likely have no problem finding a few of the following funnypages X-ing your heart.
First off, Kevin Wada’s cover is incredible. It’s a perfect cover to grab you and shake you and tell you to buy the damn thing. This “All-New” She-Hulk #1 is also my favorite book of the week, an incredible piece of work that I can only hope will last.
It should, because while I’ve enjoyed some of Charles Soule’s work to this point, nothing has “touched” me quite like this piece of sweet awesome wrapped in (high quality) paper. It plays with the past, it includes huge swaths of continuity and tells a tale about a put-upon widow who was screwed over by one of Marvel’s biggest guns right now played by RDJ in films.

And it’s just so damn fun. I loved Dan Slott’s run on the book years ago and I still loved it when Peter David (a favorite writer of our entire comic-reviewing staff) took it over. I followed that entire run, and I will gladly stand by and follow this one to the end.
So what happens? She-Hulk loses her job and loses her cool a bit in the process, and while drinking at a lawyer bar, takes a case for Jonas Harrow’s widow. Some of his tech was stolen in the past by Tony Stark and she needs help getting her just desserts.
This is what you want in comics, people. It’s fun, it’s fresh, it’s written the way people talk. It has action (She-Hulk unloads on some of Tony Stark’s robot bodyguards in a scene that isn’t seen but shown later on), she drinks, she lawyers, she does everything — even gets some of her own just desserts.
As for yummy, this is one of the best first issues Marvel has published in recent memory. Soule has created a living, breathing, lovely version of She-Hulk that feels right at home in the Marvel universe. She discusses her time as part of the FF, Stark’s legal aide discusses the entire sordid history of Stark Enterprises, and we get a book that just feels like all of the creative team was having fun doing it.
And let’s not forget Javier Pulido. The guy is a titan of comics art. If you like pop art in your comics, if you like fluid movement and boisterous, fun, Kirby-esque art and backgrounds, Pulido is the artist for you. Some of his best work can be found on books like Robin: Year One or Human Target, but here, he’s just swinging for the fences. He should be a big name artist, and I’m so glad he found his way to this book. I’ve been following his incredible art for years, and he is a sensational artist to take the reins here. Seriously, just top notch work all around.
Wow, nothing more to say really except: GO AND BUY THIS BOOK! Go. Now. You’d do better to spend $3 on this than some dumpy chocolates that won’t be appreciated. Hell, I got a digital copy and a physical copy. Tastes better than heart-shaped candy. Promise!

(Flip the page for more reviews…)