Salutations sinners. Like you, o ye common folk, every once in a while I succumb to my natural inclination to obsession, a trait inherited from my mother, and find myself hopelessly fixated on a worldly something. This week it’s a little show born at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade in Los Angeles, a place very near to my heart and my home (no seriously, it’s really close to my apartment) entitled Tournament of Nerds.
The premise of the show is simple. Eight comedians defend the credentials of eight nerdy characters, be they fictional or not, in a lighting fast nerd-debate. Each debate is a one-on-one battle, with the winner continuing on into the semi-finals and so on until there is only one reigning Nerd World Champion (complete with belt containing nerd glasses). The Champion then returns the following month as another character to defend his title. The winner of each round is determined by a panel of nerd-renowned judges, frequently including the likes of comic book writer Marc Andreyko, the Nerdist Podcast’s Jonah Ray, and pro-wrestler John Hennigan (a.k.a. “John Morrison”, “Johnny Nitro”, “Johnny Onyx”, and several other “Johnny Something” combos).

If you live in L.A., you can see this show at the UCB on the third Saturday of every month at midnight. And this sister highly recommends you do.
However, for those of you dwelling amongst the corn and wheat fields of the simpler regions of our fair nation, fear not, for the YouTube revolution is upon us and has smiled upon this little gem of a show. On July 1st, Tournament of Nerds will premiere on the Nerdist Channel, with all the nerdy-goodness of the live show and a slight, user-friendly twist.
As extra incentive to tune in every week, rather than the judges panel determining the victor of each match, that decision will belong to you, the viewer. Oh sure, the judges will still be there, attempting to Jedi mind trick you into supporting their choices, but do not be swayed. Exercise your God-given freewill and make your choice on your own.
Today Nerdist released a teaser trailer, showing some footage from the upcoming episodes. The Reverend and I were fortunate enough to be in the audience for the taping of this show, so some of this footage is old news to us, but still a delight to see on the . . . err . . . computer monitor. So enjoy this sneak peak, and be sure to tune in July 1st for the official premier of the Nerdist Channel’s Tournament of Nerds.
May the Lord bless it with many views and high praise.
LOL this looks all very strange and weird and perfect…Is that a Care Bear?
I wish I could be there live, very jealous. Looks like this will be worth my time on the Tube.
Thanks Emma!
In the photo? That would be My Little Pony.
keep doing a good work please.
This looks interesting. Will they be at Comic Con?
appreciate your posts as always!
sign me up!