
For anyone who A.) Doesn’t want to battle the immense hoard of people who are going to swarm Galaxy’s Edge like ants at a picnic when it opens next month, B.) Are trying to fill the Star Wars sized hole in their soul left by The Last Jedi, or C.) Anyone jonesing for a new SW story, in flies Galaxy’s Edge #1.
Written by Ethan Sacks (Old Man Hawkeye/Quill), it’s set in the Black Spire Outpost on Batuu AKA the newest “land” at Disneyland. The comic introduces a host of new characters, led by shady trader Dok-Odnar and new smuggler/rogue/leader of the pack Kendoh. The issue should draw readers in, as it admirably connects this new location and story in the now with a past tale involving everyone’s favorite rapscallion smugglers, Han & Chewie.
Will Sliney‘s art brings the Black Spire Outpost and its cast of characters to life and it fits in totally with the existing SW comics. As its own entry into the Star Wars cannon and a hype piece for the upcoming Disney expansion, Galaxy’s Edge #1 is a solid introductory episode. Oh, and did I mention the baby Sarlaac pits? 3.5/5 Glasses of Blue Milk.
-Sarah Obloy

With a return to comic glory, Thanos #1 takes us to the beginning — long before the Black Order, the Infinity War, and even before the Titan’s death at the hands of Gamora. His daughter lends a unique view as narrator of this tale, as this time around we’re taking the time to get to know Thanos not only as a foe, but also a leader, a philosopher, and a grieving man.
Tini Howard‘s adept story unfolds through the eyes of Butcher Squadron, which is comprised of Proxima Midnight and Ebony Maw. Each of the perspectives leads to an ever-changing point of view. Gamora’s narration, presented in a “last will and testament” recording style, is especially well done. Not only a story about Thanos himself, but how others see him, and how others are impacted by him — none more so than his own murderer.
Now, to address the look itself. Ariel Olivetti’s art style is unique, colorful and contrasting in a dynamic that I have enjoyed before in several issues of Venom: Space Knight. This style gives a nod to the Silver Age comic palette of yesterday. In the end, Thanos #1 is a mere glimpse of what’s ahead in the return of the Mad Titan himself, remembered through those who feared, revered and even loved him. 4/5 Infinity Stones.
-Ronny Lecuyer