So y’all know I watch 205 Live, religiously. — I may skip RAW and Smackdown Live, but I will ALWAYS make time for my beloved cruiserweights. I’m also all-in on Titus O’Neil doing his best Famous B impression. Even so, I never would’ve called the “POWAH OF TOZAWA” dethroning the King on Monday. Prediction: AND STILL… As much as I enjoyed the Goblin King of the Cruiserweights, it’s really time for Neville to move on. Hopefully to something involving the Bruiserweight Pete Dunne (a gal can dream). Also, anything that allows me to see the prettiest German suplex in the game more often is a win. Tozawa Wins. AH! AH! AH!

It figures that one of the few bright spots left on Smackdown would be relegated to the pre-show. The Usos have been doing some of their best work ever since they ditched the facepaint and got on their “Day 1 Ish” and their feud with New Day has been nothing short of fun, even if WWE keeps trying to run the rap battle into the ground. That said, being on the Summerslam Kickoff should start the show off with a bang and get the crowd hype and energized before the inevitable let down of whatever the first match of the “actual” PPV is. Prediction: Those unicorns, The New Day are taking this. We all know it, but it’s gonna be a helluva match that’ll far outweigh the predictable finish.

With The Revival (#FTR) on the shelf (mostly likely due to a rogue Cody last name redacted), Matt and Jeff needed something to do for Summerslam. Enter The Miztourage and Kurt Angle’s Fake Black Son to save us with the match nobody asked for, nobody wanted and everybody wishes didn’t exist. Prediction: Who cares?! The A-Lister deserves better than this. But if I must make one, the Hardyz and Jason Jordan.

Travis is somewhere near John Cena’s house right now and since we can’t see him, he left the OTHER Boston boy in charge of the hottest show of the Summer. Calling all Apostles, because this is gonna be a long night in Brooklyn. Thanks for handling the Preshow Destiny. Now, let’s “Go For Broke”. The Boss and The Wicked Witch, Little Miss Bliss. THIS is the match I’m most looking forward to. For obvious reasons. I don’t even really care who wins. Bayley isn’t on the card. AND I get both my bitch, Sasha AND my bae, Alexa. Technically, I win. But, I guess I’ll make a Prediction: Since we already know they’re setting up a Four Horsemen v. Four Horsemen match for Survivor Series, I don’t see that Bayley v. Sasha Banks fued coming anytime soon. In other words, smart money is on Alexa Bliss walking out of Summer Slam still RAW Women’s Champion.

IG @Grumpykore
I think there comes a time when Ratings do matter for a show that has been around for ever and the fact is, the people of the WWE universe want to see the shield back at their old form…2/3rds might be OK for this reunion tour match as I might call it. THE BAR has raised the Tag Team division to new levels over the last few months since the shakeup. However, I feel this is the right time for new Tag Champions. This match could turn out to be a match of the night if done right and the spots are taken when given. The powerful brotherhood of Cesaro and Sheamus won’t be outwitted by the Lunatic and an Architect. It’s go time, with high flying moves & lariats-a-plenty. Sprinkle in a brawl and we get to see a knock out BAR FIGHT. Prediction: A curb stomp victory by “The New Shield” will raise the bar like never before! But you never now, RR might just make a run in!

I’m trying really hard to not be negative and say that the split of Enzo & Cass has been a colossal failure. The two had only been a main roster act for a little over a year before the split. This was not enough time to get everyone (diehards included) to care about the team before splitting them up. Whether it was done to punish Enzo for his rumored off-camera antics or because they want to put the rocket pack on Cass because, “hey, he’s tall”, all it’s done is prove that neither are ready to be singles stars. Even worse is the guy they want to push to the moon, Cass, has been on the losing end of the feud with Big Show. This match will be a showcase match to finally get Cass over. Big Show has always been willing to put over younger talent and is likely on his way out soon. Prediction: A big win at a big WWE Network special will get Cass back on track.

The free agent himself looks for another chance to embarrass Baron Corbin, at Summerslam. Mr. Money in the bank blew his chance at the title on Tuesday after Cena distracted the Lone Wolf long enough for Jinder Mahal to get a roll up and cost him the briefcase. Corbin’s out for revenge but I think we will see Corbin go back to the midcard where he belongs until he can think before he tweets. The only way I see Corbin getting the victory on Sunday is if someone aligns with Baron and interferes to spice up his stale character. Prediction: Cena in a quick squash

IG @Jenn_Casals
These two have been going back and forth for several months through several ppvs and live events. It’s turned the United States Champion into rather the heated game of hot potato. I’m not usually a fan of constant title changes as this tends to lessen the importance of the belt. UNLESS, it’s done with solid quality matches. Unfortunately for KO the last 2 of the 3 title changes were after a very awkward and clumsy pin by him at Backlash and then a loss to Styles during a Smackdown triple threat match. This, along with the return of John Cena, leads me to believe that Summerslam may be the end of the line for this feud. But, in order for that to happen we’re going to need a clean match, free of any finisher shenanigans. Given Shane having made a point to warn the men that he’s not opposed to throwing hands should they try anything with him, we should see some fan pleasing mid match antics. But I have high hopes for an ultimately clean finish. Prediction: However, even with the cards stacked against him, I predict that the United States Championship will be staying right where it belongs, with AJ Styles, after what will no doubt be a very physical and entertaining match-up!

A dark cloud is decending upon SummerSlam 2017. Evil is stepping into the squared circle. The Eater of Worlds, Bray Wyatt will be facing a foe equal to him in his dark arts within wrestling. “The Demon King” Finn Balor is eager to show a self proclaimed demi-god Bray Wyatt no one is above having a receipt cashed in. Will a Messiah of mental brainwash be able to defeat a demon with the venom of a viper? He may not be able to, Finn Balor that has so much rage to beat into his opponent. We shall see…we shall see whom stands over who in victory at SummerSlam. Prediction: I for one am a fan of Bray, but the Demon has this victory on lock.

After a hard fought 5-way at Battleground, Nattie has earned this. She’s been lost in the shuffle a bit with this whole Women’s Revolution. It’s been SIX years since she’s held gold. 1 title run since her main roster debut in 2008. She even lost her chance when she went down to NXT for a bit. This might be her last change at a legit title run. The clock is ticking. But Naomi is no slouch either. Since winning the title and all this “power of the glow” Bruce Leroy stuff, she’s been a true fighting champion. She’s currently the longest reigning women’s champ on SD for a reason. Buuuuut with Baron Corbin’s unsuccessful MITB cash-in, that means that Carmella’s briefcase is the only one out there. Wouldn’t shock me if she cashes in on whichever woman is left standing after these two women give it their all. Prediction: Nattie finally wins, but then it’s stolen away from her by Carmella and that chinless pet of her’s.

Interesting direction Orton’s character has taken : He hates foreigners. No, seriously. Was amused recently when I noticed how after going after the Indian (LOL HE’S CANADIAN THOUGH! Stfu), what does he do? Go straight for the Bulgarian. Actually, kind of reminds me of Cena.. Real Americans reboot incoming, perhaps? What do you mean “Not a great idea, given the current news headlines”? Anyway, with this match, Smackdown has painted itself into a corner. We have two top guys, going into one of the “Big Four”, and they’re both coming off of fresh PPV loses (from the much-beloved Battleground). Rusev’s was his first PPV after a long hiatus, and Orton’s was an unsuccessful title shot. Both are heading into a “can’t lose” match at Summerslam. Personally, I’d love to see Rusev get the win. It would make more long-term sense to invest in him and build him.. But sense is not always required in booking. And I don’t see Orton losing to Rusev at Summerslam, of all places, after having JUST put Jinder over. Prediction: Orton wins with an RKO OUT OF.. You’ll see it coming. Rusev’s Accolade and Super Kick don’t really allow for cool “out of nowhere” scenarios.

Fact. Jinder is over like all hell. Fact. The guy is selling out shirts left and right and YOU might hate him, but that doesn’t even matter to Vince. Maybe I’m just a HUUUUGE heel, (Another Fact. #HEELite), but I’m all about the Modern Day Maharaja. Shinsuke is good. Some might say he’s great, but IMO, the Rockstar is not ready for a WWE title run just yet. He needs to work on his mic skills or get a mouthpiece or something. I heard he wanted to join Titus Worldwide. Just sayin’. Unfortunately for The King of Strong Style, Titus and his brand won’t be at ringside for this one. However, The Bollywood Boys… I mean, the Singh Brothers WILL be at ringside with the Punjabi Prince, and I’m sure they’ll get involved. One of them will take a Kinshasa. The other will take a ridiculous bump and you’ll think he died. It’s what they do. With Baron Corbin’s unsuccessful MITB cash-in this past Tuesday leaving no chance of a cash-in at the end of this one, I don’t see them putting the title around The Artist’s waist on Sunday. Prediction: Nakamura will put up a great fight and solidify himself as a legit contender, but in the end we’ll be rolling out the Indian carpet on Tuesday to celebrate another victory for the New American Dream, Jinder Mahal. In Punjabi, of course.

This is what it has all been leading up to. Braun not being finished with Reigns. Joe imposing his will on Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Reigns and Joe’s constant back and forth. A Fatal 4-Way for the Universal Championship. I haven’t seen a build up like this for a 4-way championship match since Wrestlemania 2000. Ya ‘member? This is Vince’s dream match, three, big, strong guys duking it out for the Red Velvet Cake Championship and the indie darling, Samoa Joe! With rumors swirling that Lesnar wants to return to UFC and the added stipulation, should Brock lose he’ll leave WWE, there is no way I see Lesnar coming out with the win. All men have been booked strongly, Lesnar coming off as the Beast Incarnate, Braun as the immovable object, Samoa Joe a vicious pit bull attacking anyone, and Reigns is Reigns. This match is bound to bring the house down or at least I hope. Fatal Four Way matches tend to be a chaotic affair what with it being No-DQ. Expect barricade breaks, table spots, maybe another chair being hurled at Reigns. There is a buzz surrounding Samoa Joe so much so that Heyman has been lampooning to put the strap on him. Prediction: My money’s on Samoa Joe winning the championship and while we’re add it, why not add, oh I don’t know, 16 German Suplexes from The Beast.