GHG Presents… THE PREACHERS PIT [S0104 Podcast]: You Know The Name!

You saw the movie. You watched the TV show. But what did the rest of the Congregeektion think? In our fourth episode of The Preachers' Pit, GodHatesGeeks crosses over with The Geekdom Fancast, as we discuss.. ahem.. AMC's new hit show -- hell, the inspiration for our monthly show (goddammuh!) -- Preacher, and, of course, X-Men: Apocalypse. Spoilers …

DEADPOOL [Film Review]: …Makes Me Drool.

So, I’m just sitting here with my rubber diaper on (the elastic-laden waistband and leg holes fighting back against my blood-pulsing flesh, so as not to go slack like Wilson Fisk’s played-out, leaky pajama bottoms), trying like a mealy-mouthed mercman to capture some smelloquence; with this Douchepool review I’m hacking-and-slashing together right now. Too bad …