Doesn't happen often, but sometimes.. I'm just not a fan. Today is one of those days. Not a whole lot happens in this #0 issue of BOOM! Studios' hotly acquired Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and the drama that does unfold feels really petty and uncharacteristically macho. Tommy makes a mistake and Jason over reacts-- and …

AGENTS of S.H.I.E.L.D. [Season 2 Finale Review]: “Confess to me, your sins…”

Welcome, fellow parishioners, to the Season 2 finale review of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. where I, your amazing and spectacular "Cardinal" Roberto de Bexar shall regale you with this modest (and hopefully wonderful) review of both the finale and the season. And what a finale it was... Last night, there were a lot of storylines wrapped …

Marvel’s AGENT CARTER [Mini-Series Premiere Review]: More Than Just a Pretty Face.

While it may be true that "everything is bigger in Texas", I'd have to also add "everything was more beautiful in the 1950's." I'm a sucker for garters, girdles, and guys who actually did their hair, so I visually appreciate the aesthetics of Marvel's Agent Carter already (Also, Captain America is my fave). We begin …

BEST GEEK TV of 2014 [Podcast]: It’s Still ‘Geek’ to Me, Dammit!

And not one mention of Boardwalk Empire... It’s that time of the year, ladies and gentlemen of the congregation, where the holy chapel of hot geekness lay out their top choices for movies, TV shows, comics and video games. So join the likes of "Divine" Derek Vigeant, "Brother" Myke Ladiona, “Priestess” Eva Ceja, “Cardinal” Roberto …

S.H.I.E.L.D. / EAST of WEST / MIRACLEMAN / X-O MANOWAR [Reviews]: Happy ‘All-New’ Year!

Since comics dropped on NEW YEAR'S EVE last week/last year, there's a demonstratively short list of comics to review-- but that's not going to stop us. As we ready and prepare our "Best of 2014" lists and 2015 preview, let's get in a short stack that's worthy of any Sunday Stash. Happy New Comic Year. …

AGENTS of S.H.I.E.L.D. [Season 2 Premiere Review]: 0-8-Awesome!

Thanks to the obligatory call back of events from episodes prior, the rag-tag team of Agents is now under the guidance of Director Phil Coulson (played superbly by Clark Gregg), trying to find their way in a world that fears them as much as they fear Hydra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpCi_2MAY4g As much of Season One was predicated …