This is it: the 150th issue of The Walking Dead has finally arrived (or at least did two weeks ago!), The little zombie train that could.. has. Indeed, if you are going into this expecting shockers like a season finale cliffhanger -- or a repeat of Issue #100 -- you will be either disappointed or elated that no one …


For the first time ever, GHG is going live. What this means, is that we will -- from now on! -- live post our comic reviews, be it the Fistful of Comics or Sunday Stash. Thus, every time an author submits his or her review, they will go up right away. So feel free to …

ANT-MAN [Review]: Did Marvel Make the ‘Wright’ Decision?

Ever since Iron Man (#neverforget) redefined the modern superhero movie and raised the bar for every flick of the like that has come after, fans have went into every Marvel Studios release comparing the newest one to the last. With the studios latest, Peyton Reed’s Ant-Man, that notion has finally become a near impossible task. …

GHG Presents… THE WILD BRUNCH [Podcast, S01E03]: The Fashionable Spider-Man.

Listen up, Internet — it’s Episode 3 of THE WILD BRUNCH. Say what? You missed our hit debut, when the likes of frosted flake-crusted-french-toast met the one Chappie? Or our Western Omelette 2nd show explosion that was Fast/Furious 7? But here’s your chance. It’s two dudes — two really neat dudes — talking about movies. …

SECRET WARS #1 [Face-Off Review]: The Whole Gang’s Here!

It's the biggest Marvel Comics event since last week! Well, OK, fine. Secret Wars 2.0 (or is this now 3.0?) is easily the biggest Marvel event ever. There, hyperbole up the ying. But it's true. With SW, every significant Marvel event/crossover/elseworlds tale/universe dukes it out for the Wrestlemania of superhero Royal Rumbles. Hope that …

AVENGERS – AGE of ULTRON [Review Podcast]: Be Thou My Vision.

You've read the reviews. You've heard the horrible Eastern European accents. You watched Joss Whedon walk away unscathed. And, most of you loved it anyway... Thankfully, for you, we are GodHatesGeeks-- and it wouldn't be GHG unless there was some hate going on. Just WHO would hate the sequel to arguably the greatest superhero movie ever? …