BATMAN v SUPERMAN – DAWN OF JUSTICE [Review]: The Dark Knight Returns.

Here we go again. Zack Snyder (Dawn of the Dead, Watchmen) returns to the DC cinematic mantle, and the majority of critics are as angry as their first go around with the director's Man of Steel. Whatever. In the back of my mind -- which was constantly racing throughout the entire 2-hours-and-30-minutes, mind you -- …

SDCC ’14 [The Bible Scale, Pt. V]: Strike down upon Hall H with…’Fury’ous Anger!

And even greater vengeance. It's only appropriate that Moody & The Goddamn Wu braved the trenches of Hall H last Saturday (and her on Thursday, as well) at San Diego Comic-Con. Sure, we had to use some Jedi Mind Tricks to get ourselves in there, but, for the love of Hell Hydra, it was all worth …