STAR WARS – THE MANDALORIAN [Season 2 Premiere Review]: Yak Face.

I figured it would be fun to write this review of The Mandalorian's Season 2 Premiere from a collector point-of-view. Because -- why not? -- I'm always in A Toy Kinda Mood. Chapter 9 instantly tracks everybody's current favorite Star Wars characters, Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) and The Child (um, Baby Yoda) through a dark …

SDCC Wrap-Up [Podcast]: ‘Til We Meet Again!

We're back with more Troy Baker Talk! .............................................................................................................................................................nah. Kinda. Shit. This was our first San Diego Comic-Con together as a team, together as GHG, and here's our first ever Wrap-Up Roundtable for thee! "Sister" Sherice's Pieces, "Reverend" Joe Rivera, "Minister" Gabe Carrasco, Lance Paul "The Apostle", Derek "Divine" Vigeant, Travis "Monsignor" Moody, and, our newest clergygal, Nicole "Fallen Angel" …

STAR WARS: “A New Hope” for fans of the axed Clone Wars.

With J.J. Abrams taking over yet another immense Sci-Fi franchise, Dark Horse's new Star Wars ongoing comic couldn't have come at a better time. And who would have thought my friend full of hoops, raps and circumstance would introduce me to the best cartoon since Batman: The Animated Series, too? Yes, I'm talking about Star …