THE GHGAMER AWARDS [Best Video Games of 2016]: Aw, Shoot!

Eight GHGamers give their Top 5 Video Games of the Year–AAA titles, sports titles, fighting titles, racing titles, indie titles. Xbox. PlayStation. PC. Well...not quite Nintendo. Heh. But--we also have a new twist this year: Our Nerd Clergy of Cool also tip their caps for this year, with an early look at their Most Anticipated …

FORZA HORIZON 3 [Race-Off Review]: Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!

GEEK - The Champ. Is. HEEEEERE! I feel like I've painted myself into a proverbial corner. Even before it was officially announced, when the GHG congregation was discussing who would potentially be covering and reviewing upcoming "big games", I immediately chose Forza Horizon 3. It took me a whole second to decide. Forza Horizon is …

THE E3ODUS [E3 2016 Preview, Day 2]: Didn’t Get These Scars Falling Over in Church.

With the Electronic Entertainment Expo — E3, parishioners — less than 2-weeks away, we've got over 30 games in 10 days to preview. Welcome to Day 2. ***DAY TWO, June 2nd -- DEUS EX: MANKIND DIVIDED, RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2, FORZA HORIZON 3*** Archives: ***DAY ONE, June 1st — THE LEGEND OF ZELDA, TITANFALL 2, …