PACIFIC RIM [Review]: Finally, that ‘Smart’ Summer Blockbuster.

Only when the massive monsters and giant mechs do all the talking, of course. Pacific Rim is the most interesting movie of the year, if only because the premise reads like a dumb b-movie idea from a state college C+ film student (read: me), but lays behind one of Hollywood's brightest minds in Guillermo del …

GUILLERMO DEL TORO [Q&A]: From a ‘Dark’ Justice League to ‘Rim’ing it Pacific.

There are almost too many things to look forward to in the world of Guillermo del Toro. On Saturday night of the LA Times Hero Complex Film Festival, del Toro gave us talk of Justice League Dark, his (hopeful) HBO adaptation of Naoki Urasawa's Monster manga series, and an epic new trailer for Pacific Rim; …