STAR WARS / ISLAND / ZODIAC STARFORCE / HACKTIVIST [Reviews]: Beyond the Farthest Star.

Greetings, geeks and geekettes. This week's Fistful Of Comics, care of GodHatesGeeks, seems stuck in the outer stratosphere, with more than one title taking place out in the farthest reaches of the cosmos. We have more than one new title this week, one new title from an old, and one addition to that tale of …

WATCH_DOGS [Review]: Everything but the Jump-Drive.

Ok, I’ve got to hurry / I’m contacting you from an unsecured line-- and it won’t take them long to find me / God, I hope this message transmits successfully... There’s a new horizon upon us, a digital horizon, where weaponry isn’t always razor-sharp or ballistic. Watch_Dogs is yet another free world, mission based, driving, shooting, …