HOLIDAY GAMER GIFT GUIDE [Reviews]: Delicious Deals!

Just because Black Friday and Cyber Monday have "officially" passed, that doesn't mean your neices and nephews, sons, daughters and granpappies have to go without their favorite gifts: video games! Take it from a guy who begged his sweet grandma for a new console. Every. Single. Christmas. At least 25-years into the future we're making …

2017 NEEDS 007 [Special Editorial]: On Loss, and Holidays, and James Bond.

News flash, fellow geeks...the year 2016 has been really, REALLY shitty. I'd started this year writing about the loss of two great actors, and now I'll be ending this year writing about more personal losses (and hopefully that'll be that). On Thanksgiving of this year, my older cousin, who'd helped watch and raise me when …