STAR WARS – THE LAST JEDI [Review]: ‘The Feels’ Strike Back.

In the interest of remaining SPOILER FREE, this review gives away nothing narratively-speaking. “This is not going to go the way you think.” These are words spoken by the great Jedi Master Luke Skywalker that perfectly sum up Star Wars, Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Picking up the mantle from J.J. Abrams, Rian Johnson helms …

STAR WARS REBELS [WonderCon ’14]: Intergalactic Plan-etary.

If you don't know anything about the forthcoming animated series from LucasFilm/Disney, Star Wars Rebels, then you likely have never watched The Clone Wars. That sucks. The great news then, my faithful Jedi ensemble, is that your trusty Monsignor has been following the incredible creative team of SWR with a keen eye. In fact, before …