THE GHGAMER AWARDS [Best Video Games of 2016]: Aw, Shoot!

Eight GHGamers give their Top 5 Video Games of the Year–AAA titles, sports titles, fighting titles, racing titles, indie titles. Xbox. PlayStation. PC. Well...not quite Nintendo. Heh. But--we also have a new twist this year: Our Nerd Clergy of Cool also tip their caps for this year, with an early look at their Most Anticipated …

SDCC Day I [Podcast]: OMG, We’re Getting Comic Con’d!!!

Welcome to the Troy Baker podcast!!! Preview Night was an abomination... ...and we somehow survived it with our First Annual San Diego Comic Con Midnight Preview Podcast!!! Tyler "Minister" McPhail, "The Reverend" Joe Rivera, Lance Paul "The Apostle," and Travis "Monsignor" Moody. If you don't mind a bunch of long-line idiots whine and bitch, …

E3 WRAP-UP [Podcast]: To the Next-Gen Victor go the Spoils…

Who won this year's E3? Everyone who attended and followed our coverage, that's who. Here's what happens when 3 drunken clergymen and a Christian walk into a bar... Panic ensues! "Reverend" Joe Rivera, "King" Ray Getsbusy, and "The" Christian Seufert join the "Monsignor" Travis Moody to discuss all the fire and lameness of this …