FLASH GORDON / NIGHTCRAWLER / ALL-NEW DOOP [Reviews]: Who You Gonna Call!??!

The Sunday Stash is back on a Monday, and -- this time -- I, Lance Paul the Apostle take the full blame! You see, there was this little thing called the Long Beach Grand Prix, the thirst for all things loud and fast. The event "dooped" your favorite traveling nerd into partaking this so-called celebrity race, …

KING’S WATCH #1 [Review]: One Rolex II Rule the World!

Dn, dn, dn ,dn, dn, dn, dn, dn, Flash (and Phantom and Mandrake), a-ah, savior of the universe. Flash, a-ah, you saved every one of us. Sitting here blasting Queen, perusing retro/future websites, and learning about the real life Mandrake the Magician, Leon Mandrake, your chill Padre of the comicsphere finds himself wishing he had …