GHG MOVIE POWER RANKINGS [October]: Straight Outta Congregation.

Taking a note from sports publications such as CBS and ESPN, we’ve got this little new feature at GodHatesGeeks called the Power Rankings. What this means is that our nerd-clergy will rank the very best of 4 mediums of this year’s popular geek culture, including movies, TV shows, video games, and comics (both Big 2 …

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE – ROGUE NATION [Review]: Manifest Destiny Incarnate.

It's hard to believe that through four, and in all likelihood, five wildly successful films in 20-years, there hasn't been a Mission Impossible video game since 1996's original PlayStation effort; nor any comics to remember of since the 60's television show of the same name (forgiving the sole Marvel/Paramount one-shot venture in the movie franchise's …