NBA 2K14 [X1/PS4 Review]: STILL.. ‘The King’ of Sports Video Games.

Lebron James is the new front and center man in 2K Sports' latest edition to their widely successful NBA video game franchise -- and I wonder what took them so long. Sure, it's understood as to why there was apprehension to promote James following one of the most controversial "moves" in sports history (when Bron …

E3 [Sony Press Conference]: Witnessing Murder in the PS4th Degree!

"The" Christian Seufert: Stream-time! "Monsignor" Billy Mau: I wanted to be subversive and watch it on my Xbox, but the darn thing doesn't play with flash. THE MAN has cockblocked my subversion. Chris: LMFAO dude I got it up on my Xbox, because Microsoft deserves my small, personal kick in the balls. Billy: This “pregame” …