E3 [Day 1]: Time to raise the Black Flag.. cuz Joker’s back (& Destiny awaits)!

...that I'd have one Stella pint, come back to my downtown hospitality and pass the hell out. Oh, excuse me! Didn't see you there! No Sony MAXIM party tonight for these old bones. In fact, speaking of old bones, I even slept through the embarassment that is the Miami Heat, who should never get shallacked …

E3 [Sony Press Conference]: Witnessing Murder in the PS4th Degree!

"The" Christian Seufert: Stream-time! "Monsignor" Billy Mau: I wanted to be subversive and watch it on my Xbox, but the darn thing doesn't play with flash. THE MAN has cockblocked my subversion. Chris: LMFAO dude I got it up on my Xbox, because Microsoft deserves my small, personal kick in the balls. Billy: This “pregame” …