DARK NIGHTS – METAL #6 [Review]: Shattering the Fourth Wall.

Like a supermassive kryptonite meteorite crashing down through the atmosphere at ten times the speed of sound, like twin blistering Randy Rhoads and Kirk Hammett guitar solos polyharmonized on top of the crunchiest Tony Iommi and Dimebag Darrell riffage, DARK KNIGHTS: METAL comes roaring to its explosive finale. All roads have led to this conclusion …

DC BLACK LABEL [News]: ‘The Other History’ of the DC Universe.

This August, DC Entertainment will start a new imprint called Black Label. The concept is for some of the biggest name creators in the industry to craft out-of-continuity tales on likely the biggest guns of the DCU. DC Entertainment co-publisher Jim Lee spoke to The Hollywood Reporter in regards to this news. “Creating DC Black …


Greetings from the East Coast, fellow geeks and geekettes. We've got snow, wind, cold, and plenty of comics to go over. Introductions are done, so it's time to move on to... Sideways #1??? Really??? Yeah…I got yer fukkn Sideways…‘til Tuesday. What is it with DC (and Marvel) continually regurgitating the same, tired, bullshit comic book tropes …

THE GEEEEK AWARDS [Best Comics of 2017]: Dark Knights and Christmas Lights!

Happy holidays once again, geeks and geekettes! Once again, we're coming out with our best of lists for 2017, and this time out we've got the Best Comics to talk about! Nothing you haven't read here before, but if you haven't read these titles yet, they're making the "Best Of" lists for one reason or …

FISTFUL of COMICS [Mini-Reviews]: Dark Nights, Jedi & Secret Empires.

Hey geeks and geekettes! Welcome to GHG's brand new Fistful of Comics, where -- rather than focusing at length on a mere handful of drops for the week -- we'll be giving quick thoughts on the majority of important funnybooks released. Hopefully our swift blurbs will give you a swifter idea whether the book is …