THE PREDATOR [Film Review]: Trophy Hunting for Trash.

The Predator is borderline horrendous and you should be mad about it. Ignore the AVP films since they’re basically two violent excursions into rocket propelled and orifice swelling cases of diarrhea that shat their way down into the sewer and were flushed into non-existence, but the Predator franchise is basically three films; Predator, Predator 2, …

THE NICE GUYS [Face-Off Review]: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

It wouldn't be right to review a buddy cop movie on this site without putting GHG's own Geekdom duo on the case. It's The Nice Guys meet The Fan Guys as "Divine" Derek and "Brother" Myke from The Geekdom Fancast break down Shane Black's latest... Derek: The buddy-cop genre in movies has been around for decades and …

SDCC Day 3: Marvel’s Phase 2… kicking ass ‘1-inch at a time’!

Since I was so critical – or quiet, rather – about Marvel all weekend, leave it up to the company’s Iron Man 3 panel to turn that son ‘a bitch right upside down. Lots of dates were announced and a shit-ton of surprises. Yeah, no Hulk movie announcement. No Guardians of the Galaxy footage. And …