STAR TREK DISCOVERY [Season 1 Review]: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Against all odds, and despite several false starts (and some insanely odd staggers), season one of Star Trek: Discovery managed to stick the landing and wrap up most of its plot threads (as well as ending on a bit of an expected surprise...and a dose of well-needed optimism.) As always, spoilers here on out... So …

STAR TREK DISCOVERY [Season 1, Episode 12 Review]: Vaulting Ambition.

Hello again, fellow geeks. Another week, another bizarre turn as to where Discovery is now taking us. This is some pretty spoiler-heavy coverings after the end of this paragraph, so I'll leave those either on the fence, or yet to catch up, with this: this second half is wildly better than the first half (although …

STAR TREK DISCOVERY [Midseason Premiere Review]: Despite Yourself.

It took ten episodes, but it seems that Star Trek: Discovery has finally found itself, and delivered an episode that not only feels like it belongs, but actually connects this series to several of the other series. I won't be able to go into it without some **HEAVY SPOILERS**, so consider this your last warning. …

STAR TREK – DISCOVERY [Mid-Season Finale Review]: Spore Some Sugar on Me!

Star Trek: Discovery has been quite a ride. Here we are, at the mid-season finale, and while I’ve certainly grown to appreciate this much different and tonally unique vision of Star Trek, I still find myself asking the same questions: do I like this? Is this genuinely good? And yet, over and over, week after …