THE ASTROLOGER [Woeful Worship]: Spectacular! Thrilling! Different! What The Fuck?!

Greetings from the internet, fellow geeks and geekettes. Now that SDCC has come and gone, and we here at GodHatesGeeks have rocked it with as much coverage as you could shake a stick at, we're gonna get fuckin' weird. This past weekend, at Brooklyn's Nitehawk Cinema, I had the dubious pleasure of witnessing one of …

BEST F(R)IENDS, VOLUME 2 [Movie Review]: Playin’ It Straight.

Best F(r)iends, Volume 2 is really hard to recommend, and this is a shame since the first volume was such a crazy, gonzo experience. Tailoring a film around the wacked-out persona of Tommy Wiseau, and shaping a character and part that plays into his well-documented, and highly parodied eccentricities, was one of the draws of …

THE DISASTER ARTIST [Review]: Oh, hai movie that shows how I got to say “Oh hai Mark!”

It is no secret that I love shitty movies. Not the rote, banal, soulless shit churned out cynically by studios (*coughcough* BvS *coughcough*), but films that strive so hard to be good and intellectually stimulating, but fall oh so short. I devote a semi-regular column to exploring them (which you can read on this site!). …

THE ROOM [The Woeful Worship]: Oh, hai!….Yes, yes, we get it. He talks funny…

Alright, last week we took a bit of a breather. "El Sacerdote" needed every day to rest up, what, with WonderCon, Batman V Superman: Dawn Of A Plot, be honest...the one-two punch of David DeCocteau really took a toll on me. Needed all my strength for this week's Woeful Worship, because this is probably …