A TOY KINDA MOOD [(Episode 100, Part 1] – The Toys That MADE Us.

It's 100, baby! A feat so good we decided to celebrate twice. Here on Part 1, Moody, Ryan and Erick discuss "The Toys That Made Us" with our guests of honor Xazyl (from Sgt. Slaughter's Slaughterhouse) and Ken (from Toy Kennections). Expect ALL the nostalgic feels, going through the most important toys of our childhood …

A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 40]: Mighty Morphin Marvel Legend Power.

Another week, another episode where we break down a Hasbro Fan First Friday and this week once again attacked our wallets in the best kind of way. Hasbro revealed Fantastic Four figs based off of the 90s vintage ToyBiz editions. We got snaps of Mr. Fantastic, a questionable Invisible Woman and a clear Invisible Woman, …