LEGO STAR WARS – THE SKYWALKER SAGA [E3 2019]: Rise of the Open LEGO World.

LEGO STAR WARS: THE SKYWALKER SAGA (Traveller's Tales Games/Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment - PS4/X1/Switch - 2020) - The last two Star Wars movies soured a lot of people on the franchise, and has led to a lot of heated debates. One entry into the universe that should get everyone back on the same “Star Wars is …

THE E3ODUS [E3 2015 Preview, Week 6/Podcast]: ‘Born’ to fight.

With the Electronic Entertainment Expo -- E3, parishioners -- just a few days away, we're down to our final video game previews within E3odus. Better yet, we also have a PrE3 Podcast for your listening pleasure. So, join "Papa Justifid" Spencer Fawcett, "Brother" Myke Ladiona, "Saint" Patrick Obloy, and, yours truly, "Monsignor" Travis Moody for …

THE LEGO MOVIE -videogame- [Review]: Everything is…Decent!

It's now common knowledge that The LEGO Movie has taken America by storm. Brick by brick, the film has built up some mighty box office numbers, bringing "awesome" joy to families, movie buffs and the curious alike. And with any hot WB property, comes a LEGO tie-in game. The difference between The LEGO Movie Videogame and the rest? …