BATMAN – THE TELLTALE SERIES [Episode 1 Review]: Realm of Shadows.

As much has been publicized about playing as Bruce Wayne in Telltale Games' new Batman episodic series, players will still have plenty of control of the Bat. What's chiefly cool about playing as The Caped Crusader (because we'll be talking plenty of Mr. Wayne in just a sec), is all of the cool gadgets on …

SDCC 2016 [Panel Reviews]: Sea of Thieves / Call of Duty – Infinite Warfare / Gears of War 4.

Yeah, it might be called San Diego Comic-Con, but I like video games. Hell, I love them. Thankfully, SDCC has plenty of presentations for gamers to enjoy. So, as per usual every year, rooms 6BCF and 24AB on Thursday were the sites of plenty of video game chatter. Check out how I "Bible Scaled" the game …

GHG’s TOP 6 VIDEO GAMES [Thru 6 of ’16]: The Beginning of the ‘End’.

It seems like the last of us old testament video gamers are still playing many of the epic holiday releases of 2015 and/or all its wonderful DLC. But, for many of the newer gaming critics to join this fine congregation, 2016 has been a wealthy year in terms of overall quality. Let us know what if …

E3 2016 [The Bible Scale – Dark Horse Edition]: Agents of S.H.O.C.K.

So, we covered about everything you wanted to read about from #E32016... but what about the real shockers of the show? Which games came out of nowhere this past week in LA to STEAL our hearts and STEAL the thunder from the already proven contenders? GHG's video game department adds a little "Bruce Wayne" to …