GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [Episode 39.A]: E3 2021 – Xbox x Bethesda / Ubisoft Review.

It’s really happened! Sorta. E3 2021 just passed us by, and Xbox/Bethesda Showcase was arguably the only conference that tried to be a traditional E3 conference. Also, we saw a Ubisoft Forward. The VG_Trooper himself, Patrick Obloy, joins us to talk about what little we saw in Ubisoft, and the megamix of THIRTY GAMES that …

THE GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [Episode 27]: Xbox Series S/X & PS5 Release Party!

Myke Ladiona (@OneMyke) and Travis Moody (@TravMoody) return to the Geekdom Gamescast, BAY-BEE! And we're here to celebrate the next-gen console launches of Xbox Series S/X and PlayStation 5 with fellow GHGers, Patrick Obloy (@VG_Trooper), Ronny Lecuyer (@RonBurtles), and Artez Bailey (@TheTeddyBlaze). We also talk about what we've been playing the past 2 months, …