🎶Well, well it’s a sitcom!
Yes it’s a new sitcom to binge!
Yeah, it’s a sitcom!
Come on crank it up and turn on all the lights y’all…… 🎶

Ahem. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
WWE & Netflix’ partnership has bared its first fruit, and it’s something that The Big Show (Paul Wight as it says on his SAG card) has been trying to do for almost a decade now. It’s a family sitcom based on his life!
Now let’s be honest: it’s not a genre pushing sitcom like Community was, nor does it get political or try to draw heat with sex and violence and adult language like Roseanne or an HBO series. It’s a simple, family-friendly home-based comedy. It would be right at home with Hanging with Mr. Cooper, Full House, Step by Step or Family Matters. The Big Show Show is wholesome. It’s a throwback, and it’s even a bit refreshing. If this hadn’t have landed with Netflix, I’m sure it would of found a home on NICK or Disney+.
Here, Show is playing a version of himself; The Big Show has retired from wrestling with the WWE and is transitioning into his new role as a stay-at-home dad. His oldest daughter from a previous marriage has moved from Minnesota to live with Show, his wife (played by Alison Munn) and their two daughters. It’s a simple premise but Show’s charm makes it work. The kids are quirky, the husband/wife dynamic works and they all seem to have chemistry together. Show has issues with the school’s PE coach, his friend and local gym owner (played by Jaleel “Urkel” White (who’s always a welcomed sight) and his wife’s real estate co-workers.

Over the course of the first season’s 8 episodes (available all at once for you impatient bingers) we see his youngest daughter’s insidious plans hatched, his middle daughter deal with school politics and first love — while his oldest daughter is adjusting to a new school, new friends, and adapting to a new family. There are plenty of WWE references and mentions for hardcore fans, and lapsed fans or trapped spouses and loved ones with don’t know a headlock from a wrist watch that you rope into watching this with you.
The series’ secret weapon? The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry. Kills it. That dude needs to be either on this show more, or on his own show. If you’re looking to fill 4 hours of lighthearted, clean family fun, watching the first season of the Big Show Show is worth your time. 3.75/5 Size XXXXL nWo T-Shirts.
-Sean Farrell