DYING LIGHT 2 (Techland Publisher – PS4/X1/PC – 2019) – Fresh off the new spin and heights of a hit parkour-fueled Zombie outbreak game, comes the second installment to the franchise. With Dying Light, players were thrilled with the chrome engine; but now the new C engine has helped Techland bring the Harran Virus to fevered 4K HD graphics of blood and mayhem…
Dying Light 2 is set to drop in, with the grand impact of Assassin’s Creed‘s free roam parkour beefed to the tilt! Techland promises to make any UK parkour originator jealous, here, as your character’s acro-skill will adapt to gameplay progression. Blood and mayhem, oh my; Zombies… Yes, we’re now 15-years deep and the world landed on the lower end of survival. With this new story, players will learn just how hardcore their survival role takes precedence over that of O.G. Dying Light. Hell yeah to multiplayer co-op and Mad Max-style mental challenges, too: form alliances, work with the enemy, become the enemy or nomad rogue.
Techland is prepping supreme weaponry, packed with modifications to make the killin’ toys brutal and keeping our butts alive. Best of all the expanded world of Dying Light 2 includes more focus on story, courtesy of esteemed game writer Chris Avellone (KOTOR2, Fallout 2, etc.). The night-time gameplay has my Spidey-sense tingling already! I can only imagine what new, only in-your-nightmare zombies to expect during the dark. Face it: you’re going to cry, get pissed, and feel the punishment as you scrap, claw and button mash for survival as a team or solo. Are you ready for the battle?
-Richard P. Pearson