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THE OUTER WORLDS (Private Division/Obsidian – X1/PS4/PC – 2019) – Fallout: Outer Worlds, from New Vegas devs Obsidian, is set to make an appearance at E3 2019 where we’ll see our usual post apocalyptic wasteland ascended into the stars and Huh?… What do you mean it’s not Fallout?… They both open with a cryogenic scene, for Pete’s sake! It looks just like it! Stop joking… It’s clearly a Fallout spin-off right? No? …Well, this is awkward…
*AHEM* The Outer Worlds, from Obsidian, looks to practically be New Vegas in space, which isn’t a bad thing at all. The new IP sports its own quirky universe, in which corporations have taken control of entire solar systems to expand their capitalist agendas. This clearly sets the player up for all types of shenanigans.
From some of the gameplay footage already released, one can expect to be knee-deep in the RPG combat, social interactions, and character progression systems we’ve come to know and love from the Fallout series. While I don’t 100% know what to expect from TOW, but if it’s anything like Obsidian’s previous releases, you can bet I’m already onboard.
-Dana Keels