Superheroes are typically driven by the father figures in their life, and, often, they tend not to be blood-related. Uncle Ben, Jonathan Kent, and, hell, even Alfred Pennyworth all served the mantle of “super idol to the stars” just fine. But, what about the Pops who not only have to deal with saving the galaxy from alien monster invasions on occasion, but — perhaps more difficult — have to deal with the little brats that assume the same death-defying responsibilities are also theirs for the taking?
Dude’s “is” just trying to set a good example.
Often misunderstood, fathers or father-figures often go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the comfort of the people they care for the most. And, not unlike the Buddy Bakers, Wally Wests, and Reed Richardses in our favorite fictional universes, that business responsiblity can often conflict with the interests of their youth.
But, that’s okay — a good man just needs to relax with a cold beer every now and then.

There’s no lie in telling about the levels of effort many of these men put forth to put food on our plates. Even if we’re younger, faster, have better protein supplements, there’s no way we can keep up with these ol’ boys in terms of work.
And, irregardless of their oft-scrutinized methods of madness in getting us all to the promised land, we salute our dad’s for being the very brave soldiers they are, or can be when the Dodgers aren’t on. Thanks for listening to our bullshit job whines and bad grade excuses, cleaning up the yard when our lazy asses were playing Dead Space 2, and sneaking us draft beers at the arena when we were underage (oh, your dad never did that?).
And thanks for wearing the cape.. even longer than you should have. We love you, DADS!
Speaking of crazy dads, there’s been an awful lot of that in comics lately. First, Ultimate Spider-Man Miles Morales’ father may have a secret even deeper than that of his brother Aaron who has no problem posing as the Prowler. If you haven’t kept up with Marvel’s 1610-Earth edition of their comics lately, there’s a new Spidey in town and he’s black and Spanish. And hella awesome. Writer Brian Michael Bendis drowns this Spidey in his own naivity, giving the new web slinger an interior that’s as likable and differing to the original as his exterior. Also, while Miles’ Uncle Aaron is sort of an “Evil Uncle Ben”-type player for this new U, there appears to be an underlying bombshell that just hasn’t landed yet.
Shit gon’ blow.

Which brings me to this week’s Spider-Men #1. Yes, Miles’ world is discovered by the 616-Earth edition of Spider-Man, who will — or at least should — forever be known as Peter Parker (’cause we can’t screw up the movies, now, ya dig!?). The fact Bendis had the balls to join these two universes may prove two things: homie’s ran out of ideas, or he’s just dying to write Peter again. Either way, the debut issue of the mini series is just an appetizer for the sweet goodness of what’s to come. If nothing else, Sarah Pichelli’s art is always spectacular.
Second, will Thor and Odin ever stop fighting? In this week’s Mighty Thor #15, artist Pepe Laraz (these comic book artists have the best names, I swear — Jock! Cafu!) delivers an evocative rendition of Pasqual Ferry’s pencils during Thor’s battle with big daddy Odin. It’s more of a battle in nightmare than reality, since the Thor and Loki’s bloodking has been missing for months now. These hellish dreams are perhaps only a precursor to Thor’s final mind-merging coincidence with Doctor Donald Blake.

Maybe Thor 2 (currently slated for November 15th, 2013) will finally explore the Odinson’s alter-ego. Alan Taylor — director of Game of Thrones!! — is now slated to run the Asgardian Avenger’s sequel.
We still haven’t seen Prometheus (that’s fine, take us out of your “favorites” right now), but we promise some chatter on that, while we’ll finally try and figure out what the hell Mr. McMahon is doing this summer with his son-in-law and Brock Lesnar, or, even worse, why John Cena’s “biggest challenge ever” is tonight’s good-guy-gone-bad-without-explanation, The Big Slow. Geesh.
Either way, the WWE is not looking too bright here. Put Show over and Lesnar looks like a chump. Put Cena over and Big Slow mind as well retire. Wait, that’s not a bad idea. How about when Jericho comes back he kicks the crap out of Cena.
Hey, we love John over at GHG, but someone’s got to give the Beantown Strangluh a challenge and it sure as hell won’t be Prince Lord Albert Tensai.
Hey, Vader looked impressive………………………………..
And for all the Dad’s out there gettin their “Funk On,” I’ll leave you with this:
hi, great post. i really admire your work
Damian is a bastard! Loving Morrison’s take on Batman & Son in Batman Inc. Pretty pumped for it this week.
u forgot cable and hope.
wait is cable dead?
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL @ Vince!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for this!
I love Miles!
Vince is a bum
Mighty Thor is starting to pick up but doesn’t touch Journey Into Mystery.
I want him to fight John Laurinaitis lol
I enjoyed this! Thanks!