I was wrong.
Marvel’s big splash won’t be another Hulk movie/remake. Well, while that option’s still possible, it’s more than likely we’ll be seeing a whole ton of Banner in Iron Man 3. And since you remember the brilliant bipolar brain leaving with Tony towards the end of the World’s Greatest Geek Film, that would probably be the better play.
Now enter the Guardians of the Galaxy:

But before I go any further into those marvelous details, let’s talk a little personal history with the colossal event.
Last year was my first time going to San Diego Comic Con — as a member of the fantastic Comics Bulletin team, nonetheless — and was purely a “wow” experience. My aggression and ambition knocked security off their feet, as I able to snake, rattle and roll my way through the Con’s toughest panels (hello again “Game of Thrones”, what up what up “Walking Dead”).
This year, it shall be another first: leader and proprietor of God Hates Geeks.
Unfortunately, due to our last minute admission (okay, due to my last minute admission), the holy name in geek culture may not have the resources thus yet to go gonzo with the original plan (w-e-b-s-e-r-i-e-s).
But that’s OK; since we weren’t sure we’d even be there (uh-huh), the fact the holy word of GHG will be spread for the first time is a glory in itself! And considering we’re as versatile a blogazine as any, expect the usual slew of comic, superhero/sci-fi/fantasy movie/tv, video game, and wrasslin’ coverage (if WWE 13 has the nuts to show up!). Even more exciting are the possibilities of a crossbrand podcast with Comics Bulletin, and, obviously, more excellent networking opportunities as the doicese plans to build upon its foundation.
We’re goin’ to rock it out, y’all.
Today, the Thursday schedule was announced, so here’s what we’re looking forward to on that day — especially with our “lightened” load — as it looks we’ll have the morning freedom to hit the floor… or, more than likely, wait several hours in line at Hall H for some cinematic exclusives:
2:00-3:00 DC Comics: Batman: Beyond the Night of Owls— The fallout from the Talons consecrated destruction of Gotham City continues… With Chris Burnhan (Batman, Incorporated), Kyle Higgins (Nightwing), Gail Simone (Batgirl), Scott Snyder (Batman), J. H. Williams III (Batwoman), and hopefully Duane Swierczynski (Birds of Prey). No Grant Morrison? Come on.
3:15-4:15 DC Entertainment-All Access: DC NOW! – How’d the “New 52” fair one year later? Geoff Johns (Justice League, Green Lantern, Aquaman), Francis Manapul (Flash), Jimmy Palmiotti (All-Star Western), Scott Snyder (Batman, Swamp Thing) and hopefully Jeff Lemire (Animal Man, Justice League Dark) will be there to let us know.
4:30-5:30 Marvel: Next Big Thing— Always a fun panel, although not much quality really came out of it last year this side of Jeff Parker’s Hulk, as it’s no secret the big red monster is one of GHG’s favorite titles! Maybe we’ll actually get something of higher quality than the “Season One” or “X-Tinction” announcements of yesteryear.
6:00-7:15 Dexter – Last year’s season had Mos Def, Commander Adama and Tom Hanks’ son involving Michael C. Hall’s forensic scientist serial killer in a world of religious freakory. Of course GHG approved! While it wasn’t the best “Dexter” in terms of quality, the show still gave us a reason to drip our rosary beads in bloody each week. Okay, I really meant spilling grape juice on our Mentos necklace. What the hay.
Here’s the rest of the Week in Geek:
- Speaking of hot Showtime shows, it’s quite obvious the Reverend Moody loves him some Californication. And if he loves anything even better, it’s some Wu-Tang.. Wu-Tang.. Wu-Tang. So when The RZA played a sadistic shoot-first Santa Monica rapper turned movie star across that “other” Moody dude, the church exploded. And now the legendary producer-slash-emcee gets to live out those very dreams — as well as act out in a genre that inspired his vision of classic hip-hop entirely — with The Man With The Iron Fists. While it doesn’t quite feature Marvel’s Immortal Iron Fist, it does have former WWE Champion Batista and some random dude named Russell Crowe..
- Officially announced: Guardians of the Galaxy will be the other Marvel film of 2014 pushing The Avengers 2. Who, you say? Well, with Thanos hinted as the next big vill of the sequel (oh, if I just spoiled that for you then you deserve a slap), this completely makes sense. Sure, GOTG aren’t even in the comic books at press time, but Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning’s 3-4 year run — particularly with “The Thanos Imperative,” which is the rumored event adapted for the film script — was pretty incredible. Sure, there are more popular Marvel franchises, but with Whedon going more sci-fi last time out, GOTG is the way to go. And don’t forget Marvel has a potential star with the Guardians’ sidekick Nova, the most popular sci-fi supe the company has this side of Silver Surfer, with meaty roles in both the Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 video game and “Ultimate Spider-Man” cartoon.

- Word has it that DC writer Grant Morrison’s September-in-Las-Vegas MorrisonCon has sold out. But what they didn’t tell us was that a Doors fanclub was spammed with a mass presale, or maybe it was just those loonies from occultartworkshop.com? Either way, good luck snatching a ticket to watch Vincent Gallo films in yellow spandex with your complimentary limited-edition toepaint pick.
appreciate your posts as always!
is this Ariana my niece? LOL
Will they be showing footage of Guardians?