Another year, another WonderCon. Only this time, the “baby Comic-Con” took place this Easter in Los Angeles–just 40-miles or so from its usual Disneyland residence. While the show missed its share of oversized mouse-ears (and had exhaustingly larger entry and foodtruck lines than expected), the Con had a myriad amount to showcase from its Burbank-neighboring Warner Bros./DC Comics.
With the publisher bringing its near entire comic roster to WonderCon 2016 (many of whom were suprises), DC’s Rebirth special event was also generally well received, comforting many of those uncomfortable with the current state of the New 52. DC Co-Publishers, Jim Lee & Dan DiDio and Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns were on hand to present their recommitment to the fans, a promising slate of Rebirth titles (at $2.99, bigger titles will ship twice-monthly), creative teams, and much appreciated teaser art of a goatee’d Green Arrow and black-and-blue Nightwing.
But, of course, GHG was at the LA Convention Center to cover and review all the other great geek stuff you love, too.

It’s another installment of The Bible Scale. We hope you like.
4 Bibles.
By now, I can only assume that most of you either livestreamed the DC Rebirth special event Saturday morning, or discovered all the goods on the new creative teams from Facebook. But here’s “The Moody Opinion” on it.
- Rebirth is shepherded by Geoff Johns, who intends to give every character in the DCU the same honest and passionate “Rebirth” treatment that, ultimately, led both Hal Jordan and Barry Allen to their finest success. Johns’ 80-page DC Universe: Rebirth #1 one-shot (with art from Gary Frank, Ivan Reis, etc.) promises to “reveal secrets of continuity,” perhaps even a death. So nerds, start speculating now. Johns will also co-pen Green Lantern: Rebirth #1 with recent Marvel defectee Sam Humphries (Star-Lord), who, himself, promises a “Lethal Weapon with alien tech” on Green Lanterns. The new title’s first arc “Red Dawn” will feature the villainous Lanterns of the same color.
- Tom King and David Finch on Batman. The now DC-exclusive Scott Snyder on (the in-continuity) All-Star Batman. It was great to hear the “Babe Ruth” push for the guy next up to bat in the former CIA counterterrorism operations officer, who has been no less than spectacular in his brief run with DC (Grayson, Omega Men). King hopes to get closer to the “madness” of Batman’s obsessions. Snyder — wanting to have a whack at Bat-villains such as Mr. Freeze and Catwoman — wasn’t done writing the Caped Crusader, enlisting a number of all-star artists such as Jock, Sean Murphy, Paul Pope and the present John Romita Jr., who claimed that being a cartoonist was the “most fun you can have with your clothes on.” Inspired by high-action chase flicks Midnight Run, Road Warrior, and Death Race, All-Star Batman‘s first arc with Two-Face sounds like it just might be Bat Max: Gotham Road.
- Kudos to DiDio for bringing in old animation pal, John Semper (Spider-Man: The Animated Series), in on Cyborg. Fresh blood is what comics needs, and his outlook on the man/machine exploring the darkest realms of both character angles seems hot to def. Semper is excited to explore the superhero who “has fought all these great battles in space.. who also happens to be a black man living in Detroit.” Christopher Priest, a man no stranger to Black.. Panther, was hired to bring a more nuanced character drive to Deathstroke. Fuck yes.
- The Joker’s real name is Travis Moody. Sorry to spoil that for ya. And those butthurt by recent incarnations of Batgirl may not be entirely pleased, either, with first-time superhero scribe Hope Larson‘s “Batgirl Begins” backpacking plot to Asia. At least American Vampire‘s Rafael Albuquerque’s art is always delicious.
- Supergirl’s dad, Zor-El, is the new Cyborg Superman. Hank Henshaw fans are going to be pretty disappointed. Thing is, Steve Orlando‘s Midnighter has been stellar, and his overall synopsis for Supergirl as an outsider full of self-doubt is pretty good. Brian Ching’s art wow’d the audience too.
- Mera tries Clam Chowduh. It’s taken her this long? Aquaman is in seemingly good hands, though, with GOTG-vets Dan Abnett and Brad Walker, whom look to see Arthur push for an Atlantis that is “a nation of the world” with more of a focus on real-to-life characters and personality. Abnett will also be scripting Titans drawn by The Flash‘s excellent Brett Booth; but how he’ll will fair on these major titles without longtime writing partner Andy Lanning has yet to remain seen.
- Ben Percy on Green Arrow. Is ANYONE reading Green Arrow?
- Greg Rucka is back on Wonder Woman! As many speculated, the man who had over 30-issues with Diana Prince is back at the Lasso’s healm; Liam Sharp — who promises plenty of “easter eggs” and had teaser art (below) that completely blew me away — will draw contemporary odd-numbered issues, while Ruck’s Black Magick partner Nicola Scott will sketch “Wonder Woman: Year One” even. Fans also errupted to the announcement of DC’s holy Trinity, written and drawn by Francis Manupal and Clay Mann.
- Dan Jurgens (with artists Patrick Zircher, Tyler Kirkham and Stephen Segovia) on Action Comics. The man continues to get this character correct, stemming from his classic Death of Superman storyline and more recently excellent Superman: Convergence and Superman: Lois & Clark titles. So, yeah. Expect a different metropolis, with lots of Doomsday, a Super Lex Luthor, and, hell, even a separate Superman and Clark Kent. Jurgens will also return Terry McGinnis in Batman Beyond #1.
- Ted Kord is Blue Beetle once again, thanks to BB-vet Keith Giffen and former Flash-stalwart Scott Kolins. The fab hubby-and-wife team of DC-exclusive Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti return to Harley Quinn (now labeled the “fourth pillar” of DC behind the Trinity), whose “Afterbirth” promises to feature “a lot more Ivey, Power Girl, Bat and non-Bat characters.” – Travis Moody
Stay tuned and BOOKMARK this very piece for more WonderCon panel reviews from Moody, Derek, Myke and Dana the next few days!