Sorry we’re late; but there was a little thing the last few days that was on the Monsignor’s mind: #WrestleMania. Still, this year’s WonderCon was an exceptional show across the board. And–whether you’ve experienced all of the joy this Disneygeekland showcase has to offer, or not–you’d do worse than miss our FIREBALL of a show (at only 30-minutes length, mind you!), live from the cosplay-filled halls of the Anaheim Convention Center, with a pair of surprise special guests to boot!
Download our WONDERCON 2017 WRAP-UP SHOW (right click and save)
So, join the likes of your trusty host Travis “X-O” Moodywar, longtime convention-covering vet “Divine” Derek Vigeant, and GHG’s newest geekspert, “Pastor” Kevin Palma (who doesn’t hold back, and goes at Moody!), to discuss all the happenings in and around the convention, including some insight into the Anaheim “nightlife” and our exclusive premiere review (with ZERO spoilers) of the latest DC Animated film, Teen Titans: The Judas Contract.
(For more insight into the panels we checked, peep our coverage of the Valiant Universe here and geek TV show highlights here.)

If the red podbean widget above doesn’t do it for you, you can find all of our podcasts on iTunes by searching “godhatesgeeks”! See you in June at E32017!!!