DC CELEBRATES 80 YEARS OF BATMAN COMICS (Saturday) – Hey, it’s Batman Day. Again. GHG’s Batman day. Our Batman day (check out our dope face-off take on Detective Comics #1000).
So, naturally, the first WonderCon panel I hit up today was DC’s 80th Anniversary of Batman Comics celebration. In attendance were many artists and writers who have been showing and telling the Bruce Wayne tales in recent years, such as Greg Capullo, Peter J. Tomasi, Joelle Jones, Becky Cloonan, Scott Snyder, and Tom King. Capullo and Snyder also revealed the first interiors for their latest Bat-project, Last Knight On Earth…
The creators explained how they first associated themselves with the character of Batman, highlighted their first introduction as fans, and what they feel is the Dark Knight’s legacy. To no surprise, the fair majority of the panel cited their prime influence from either, the ’66 Batman TV show, Batman: The Animated Series from the 90s, or the ’89 Tim Burton Batman film.
DC also debuted a new logo for Detective Comics, just up above. Releasing on April 10th, the new symbol will debut in Detective Comics #1001 alongside a new Arkham Knight driven narrative written by Tomasi, with art from Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessey, Nathan Fairbairn and Rob Leigh.
In short, this panel was a solid Bat time. 3/5 Bibles.
THIS IS YOUR DC UNIVERSE (Saturday) – This next panel I checked out focused on a ton of DC goodies, this time for the DC Universe subscriber app. The guests consisted mainly of the executive producers of many of the Network’s original programming, including hit shows like Titans, Doom Patrol and Young Justice. They revealed plenty of news.
Here were just some of the highlights:
- In celebration of Batman’s 80th Anniversary, the DC Universe app is free of charge today to all customers so that they can improve the site’s expansive Batman Library. This includes cartoons, movies and comics. In addition, the entire DC comic library will be added to the app free of charge to ongoing and new subscribers (for just $7.99). Yes, 80 years of comics right by your fingertips…
- DC unveiled the first teaser trailer for the DCU’s next upcoming original series, Swamp Thing. Directed by Len Wiseman, and starring Crystal Reed, Derek Mears, Andy Bean and Ian Ziering. Mark Verheiden and Gary Dauberman’s Swamp Thing will premiere May 31st.
- Panel-goers were teased footage from the next episode of Doom Patrol as well as a full-on episode of Young Justice: Outsiders.
- DC also revealed the first image from another upcoming original series, Stargirl, which is currently filming in Atlanta. It stars Brec Bassinger, with Geoff Johns as showrunner. 4.5/5 Bibles.
-JaDarrel Belser