It’s that time of the year again!!! The former Thanksgiving Day Tradition!! Grab some cranberry sauce, some mashed potatoes and gravy and don’t forget the turkey. Make sure there’s room for the Gobbledy Gooker and get ready for some brand warfare as the stars of RAW take on the stars of SmackDown Live!! It’s the Survivor Series!!!

We almost didn’t cover this match. I know it’s on the Pre-Show but what do we got over heeeere??? A cuppa hatas?? A cuppa hattas?? The Pre-Show should just be renamed the ‘Zo Show. I mean, let’s be serious… we ALL hated ‘Zo’s schtick as an annoying face, but this new Enzo… the Heel ‘Zo… I mean, I’m feeling this version of Mr. Smack Talker Luke Skywalker. Also, I can’t stand Kalisto so there’s that too. We know ‘Zo is gonna fight dirty. That’s a given. Expect Drew Gabba-Gulak out there with his new homie, and you can bet on him getting involved in some form. At the end of the day, hate him if you want, but Enzo has been the saving grace for an on the brink of failure 205 Live product and I don’t see them putting much faith in Kalisto keeping butts in seats sooooo… Prediction: Bada Boom! The Realest Champ In The Room is walking out of Houston, still your WWE Cruiserweight Champion… and you can’t, teach, that!! Fuhgetaboutit!

IG @Jenn_Casals
The Women’s 5 on 5 Survivor Series match is one that is going to be hard to predict. Although, filled with the better talent, the Raw Women’s team hasn’t seen a lot of wins going into their match. Captain Alicia Fox has never been a real threat to anyone short of the hair and makeup staff. Then we have Bayley and Sasha who have been on a slow uphill climb since both their initial pushes on the main roster came to an abrupt end. This leaves us with the 2 women who have been solid Nia Jax and the still undefeated Asuka. I expect a strong showing from both these women and expect Asuka to gain most of the eliminations for her team. Now, looking at the Smackdown Women’s team you have a last minute replacement for Charlotte Flair with Natalya. Don’t get me wrong, Nattie is great but I think we can all agree that this change is a definite downgrade for their team. Flair was easily the anchor for the Smackdown team and I’m not sure that Nattie can fill her shoes. Given that this was only Natalya’s 2nd title reign in a 15+ year career I doubt we’ll see her leading the team as Charlotte could have.
However, the rest of the Smackdown Team, Becky in particular, have all been on winning streaks going into Survivor Series. Smackdown has 3 former Women’s champions and the first ever Ms.MITB on their side which definitely puts more chips in their favor. Also, Becky and Carmella were on last years losing team and it’s safe to say that they are gonna want some payback and going into the match strong is key. Predicition: Even though Smackdown has great momentum going into Survivor Series I just don’t see Raw losing. Especially since Asuka’s streak is still in tact. I expect Becky to be a standout for team Smackdown and Asuka to put on a show for Raw.

We have the most dominant three man faction of this generation in WWE vs. the most entertaining three man faction.
Both teams are known for kicking it into high gear on pay-per-view. Both teams are talented as hell. At first, I was sure they’d end this match in a draw, to try and “protect” both teams.
However, with Roman Reigns out sick for several weeks in the build towards Survivor Series, they’re going to need to re-familiarize everyone with why the Shield is bad ass. Prediction: Your winners, The Shield.

Sometimes a once-prestigious title needs the right Superstar to elevate it back to greatness. Exhibit A: The Miz Never Ending Intercontinental Championship World Tour and its sequel. Miz is fire on the mic and is doing some of the best in-ring work of his career right now. You can’t tell me you weren’t disappointed when Ziggler won that career vs. title match—hell, I still chuckle at “Success of a Failure” and I like Ziggler. And you know you didn’t care about Ham-brose never defending it in a reign so boring that even Dean forgot he had the belt. The IC title is the most important belt on RAW—no matter how much they try to tell you it’s the Fruit-by-the-Foot Championship—because Miz made it the most important.
And sometimes you have a Superstar that’s given a title because the person needs to be elevated—and that’s Baron Corbin. I haven’t been able to take him seriously since that time he whined to Norman Smiley on Breaking Ground. Boring Snorbin is some 13-year-old’s CAW come to life. He’s tall, he has tattoos and has a decently cool finisher, but no personality in promos or in the ring. The worse thing that ever happened to him was the cancellation of Talking Smack since it was the only time he was anything close to personable—it was probably the hat. Winning Money in the Bank didn’t help him—he was just a generic dude in a generic wolf shirt with a briefcase who failed to cash in. And as our fellow Apostle Ryan put it, he always looks surprised that he’s the US Champ. Samesies, Lil’ Tummy, samesies. Prediction: Miz wins and it won’t even be close.

On a card designed to prove which brand is superior we get The Smackdown Live Champs The Usos facing off against the newly crowned Raw Tag Team Champs The Bar. Just two weeks prior, the match was scheduled to be against Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose but during the November 6th Raw The Bar started their third reign as Raw tag team titles thanks to a distraction from The New Day. The last few ppv’s have seen both teams tear the house down for their respective brands and this should be nothing different. Prediction: I see some New Day interference happening in this match, since both teams would be hurt by a clean loss, and Smackdown Live and The Usos getting the W with an asterisk.

The WWE — especially the Smackdown brand — wasn’t playin’ around heading into Survivor Series. AJ wins the strap from Jinder 2 weeks prior (and with only one night in India, it seems like they’re giving up on that direction already), and Charlotte Flair wins her first ever SD Woman’s strap just a week after her pops’ ESPN “30 for 30” makes waves. And I’m OK with that. Charlotte and Lil’ Miss Bliss is a far more attractive match-up, which seems to be the theme of this PPV. Cena’s wrestling now, and so is Kurt. Triple H. The card is pretty stacked. That said, I just wish there was more incentive in these NON-TITLE champion v champion matches. “For the love of the brand!”? I think not. Prediction: Charlotte had her big night this past Tuesday in a very sound match against Natalya, complete with “surprise” Ric Flair appearance in the father and daughter’s hometown. The WWE would do their best to put Alexa over, seeing how RAW will need a strong champion with NXT legend Asuka nipping on her heels.

Haaaaahahahahahahaha. Yo man, shut the hell up. Mom hair isn’t going to win!
Daniel Bryan, and all his fans and smarks : let’s just get it out of the way. As much as you want to believe otherwise, in the battle between Brockenridge Pemberton Lesnarton and Antonio Johansen Stylesonian, Brocky will be victorious.
Just come to terms with it now so it can be easier to accept on Sunday. Or as the Undertaker says “Sundee”.
In an already loaded card, this match will undoubtedly be great (though I still think MOTN will go to Shield vs New Day or Usos vs WarrDaBarr)… And will end with Pay Jay Ryle being caught in mid air as he goes for a phantastical phorearm and is drilled into the mat by a category 6.
Can’t wait for Survivor Successions on Sunday.

IG @Grumpykore
Fantasy Warfare is the name of THE GAME. For the last month tempers have been hot all over the WWE. It’s the Midway point to WrestleMania and it all starts to take shape Sunday. 5 on 5 elimination rules apply. It feels Team RAW has the Powerhouses and Team SmackDown has the Hottest talent in the WWE IMO. It’s what the WWE Universe asked for and there going to get a great match with 🌟 on both sides of the ring. I expect some great things to come out of the match. The history between these wrestlers is amazing and the rivalries that each superstar has tells a story of how this can and might end up. It’s like a Videogame Dream Match that doesn’t come around often. Prediction: I’m taking Team BLUE and CENA going out in Style…but HHH is the Boss so anything goes and there is always a plan C.