This past week saw geeks on both sides of the Masters of the Universe debate pick up arms against one another and decide to go to war over He-Man. As absurd as that sounds, we at A Toy Kinda Mood could not resist wading into the battlefront of Eternia…
That’s right! Co-Host Bobby is back with guests/co-founder and @the_TravelingNerd Lance Paul and ATKM guest Kevin Wish. We break down the Masters of the Universe: Revelation storyline, the animation and the characters. We break down the pros and cons to all the He-Man, Skeletor, Teela, Man-At-Arms, Orko, Evil-Lyn mythos and storylines and just what we really thought about Kevin Smith versus the manbabies that came out in droves this past weekend.
This is a long episode, so sit back, enjoy and let us know what you thought in the comments!!