A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 39]: MOTU Revelation Review.

This past week saw geeks on both sides of the Masters of the Universe debate pick up arms against one another and decide to go to war over He-Man. As absurd as that sounds, we at A Toy Kinda Mood could not resist wading into the battlefront of Eternia…

That’s right! Co-Host Bobby is back with guests/co-founder and @the_TravelingNerd Lance Paul and ATKM guest Kevin Wish. We break down the Masters of the Universe: Revelation storyline, the animation and the characters. We break down the pros and cons to all the He-Man, Skeletor, Teela, Man-At-Arms, Orko, Evil-Lyn mythos and storylines and just what we really thought about Kevin Smith versus the manbabies that came out in droves this past weekend.

This is a long episode, so sit back, enjoy and let us know what you thought in the comments!!

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