Natasha has been a bad girl, a very bad girl! At least thats what Marvel wants us to believe for this new solo adventure featuring the sexy Black Widow #1. With her latest solo venture, ur favorite Avenger fatale sets out to settle scores and atone for her prior bad doings. Nathan Edmondson (Who is Jake Ellis?) crafts this miraculous first issue — “miraculous”, only because Edmondson has arguably not broken through Marvel just yet — offering both the 60s-era spy/thriller vibe we’re accustomed to with our Widow, but an intriguingly modern, in-depth take on “Natalia” as well.

Edmondson answers plenty of skeptics with this #1. A female-led Marvel title that works this side of Captain Marvel, and, by and by, his own “breaking out” party. Edmondson has been helping Marvel with the Ultimate line, but, by the looks of this sweet #1 ish, Black Widow could very well be the next Hawkeye comic for 2014 (and we all witnessed how well that went for Miss Kate Bishop, as well).
Now why don’t you go take a look and read for yourself?