A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 11]: G.I. Joe #FanFirstFriday Review Show.

Yo Joe! Yo Jaye! It's Fan First Fri-Day and A Toy Kinda Mood is here to bash all of the Targ.... Wait, what? Hold the phone: Hasbro may have left the big red bullseye stranded Cobra Island! https://youtu.be/Df9N2E1BATc Your hosts Travis Moody and Ronny Lecuyer bring back KJ Johnson to contemplate that scenario, break down …

SACKBOY – A BIG ADVENTURE [Review]: Puppet Master.

Lord knows the world needs heroes. Sackboy.. is that hero. Sackboy: A Big Adventure is my surprise hit of 2020, a seemingly gentle (yet later relatively vicious) platformer with a unique hand-crafted aesthetic. I never played Yoshi's Woolly or Crafted World's so I can't exactly compare the two, but this Big Adventure looks downright splendid …

XBOX SERIES X and XBOX SERIES S [Next-Gen Console News]: Power Your Dreams.

The future of gaming starts today with the launch of Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, bringing the most performant, immersive and compatible next-generation console gaming experiences to players around the world. The launch of these next-generation consoles is the continuation of our vision of an entirely new future for players – one that puts …