G.I. JOE – A REAL AMERICAN HERO / IMMORTAL HULK [Reviews]: The Threshing Place.

I shouldn't have read the second volume of Larry Hama's A Real American Hero. Because now I'm gonna go broke. With Hasbro's "Classified" G.I. Joe toyline taking the collecting world and wallets (and even Target employees) by storm, it was impossible to read the 120 issues of G.I. Joe: ARAH Volume 2 and not be …

G.I. JOE – OPERATION BLACKOUT [News]: DeClassified.

Microsoft Store has revealed a special digital bundle for the upcoming G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout video game from GameMill Entertainment, available on October 13. We also get our first look at a possible Classified Series Sci-Fi action figure and new A Real American Hero-inspired repaints of Duke and Cobra Commander. Available on: Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation …

YAKUZA – LIKE A DRAGON [Release Date Trailer]: How Will You Rise?

SEGA today has announced that its Action RPG Yakuza: Like a Dragon will be launching on Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Windows 10 and Steam on November 10, 2020, aligning the release dates for all current-generation releases with the Xbox Series X | S launch date. As previously revealed, the Xbox Series X …

NJPW G1 CLIMAX 30 [Nights 1 & 2 Review]: Destino Awaits.

NIGHT 1 A Block Will Ospreay vs. Yujiro Takahashi - Nice comeback for Will (yes, it's widely apparent that New Japan doesn't care about the #SpeakingOut movement; don't shoot the messenger). He looked powerful and strong, but still quick and agile. Yujiro took most of the match and cut off Will at his every momentum, …

HASBRO PULSECON 2020 [News]: Virtual Toys”R”Us.

Hasbro officially revealed its programming slate of immersive fan experiences for the first ever Hasbro PulseCon today, featuring a dynamic panel lineup, top celebrity guests, and must-see music appearances all free of charge. Top stars including John Cena (Bumblebee), Joe Manganiello (True Blood), Ashley Eckstein (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Matthew Lillard (Scooby Doo), Ernie Hudson …