It's all come down to this, kids. The new toys, the repeated viewings of Generation 1 and Beast Wars under quarantine-- all in preparation for the ultra-anticipated Transformers: War For Cybertron series on Netflix. The first Chapter has rolled out, and since "Siege" is as short as those first couple seasons of Netflix' Castlevania, you'll …

COMIC-CON@HOME [Wrap-Up Show]: Stay Classy, San Diego…

Well, that was.. something. Comic-Con@Home was either a resounding success or unmitigated disaster, depending on how you look at it. Either way, the good folks at Comic-Con International (CCI) who run WonderCon and San Diego Comic-Con gave us.. something, and for that we feel deeply appreciative. So whether you've been hitting up SDCC for 2 …

IDW SNAKE EYES w/ ROB LIEFELD [Comic-Con@Home]: “Toys Are A Big Deal”.

Say what you want about Rob Liefeld, because, quite frankly, the man has heard it all. But one thing you can't take away from the Deadpool co-creator -- judging by Thursday's Comic-Con@Home IDW: Snake Eyes panel with's Jim Viscardi -- is his sheer enthusiasm. Liefeld is practically an 11-year old boy in a 52-year …

HIP-HOP AND COMICS [Comic-Con@Home]: Rap Legends x Comic Creators x Visual Artists Assemble!

Rap Legends, Comic Creators, And Visual Artists For the past eight years, the ‘Hip-Hop And Comics: Cultures Combining’ panel has been a highlight of San Diego Comic-Con’s programming, occupying a prime-time place of honor on the Friday evening of the annual pop culture gathering. And on Friday, July 24th, at 6PM PDT/9PM EDT, an all-new …

SNAKE EYES / TRANSFORMERS ’84 [IDW Comic Reviews]: A Deadgame’s Secret and Lies!

There's a been a surge of populairty in IDW properties as of late. With the pandemic forcing many an action figure-collecting nerd at home (with lots more time and perhaps some stim-cash to consume), the resurgence of Transformers, TMNT, and -- especially -- G.I. Joe is clear. Transformers has a hot new War For Cybertron …